A new phase in development of Vladivostok City and its agglomeration

  • Baklanov P.Ya.

    Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor, Dr. Sci. in Geography, academic adviser of the Pacific Geographical Institute, Far-Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (PGI, FEB of RAS); e-mail: pbaklanov@tig.dvo.ru.
    Vladivostok. Russia

  • Avdeev Yu.A.

    Ph D. in Economics, leading research worker of PGI, FEB of RAS; e-mail: avdyural@mail.ru.
    Pacific Geographical Institute, Far-Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (PGI, FEB of RAS)
    Vladivostok. Russia

  • Romanov M.T.

    Dr. Sci. in Geography, chief research worker of PGI, FEB of RAS; e-mail: romanov@tig.dvo.ru.
    Pacific Geographical Institute, Far-Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (PGI, FEB of RAS)
    Vladivostok. Russia


The main historic periods in the development of Vladivostok city are identified beginning from 1860, time of its establishment. The identification of stages is based on the most important policy decisions, programs and events. During the 1960s–1970s, the stage of agglomerative development starts when the city begins to expand its boundaries and to affect the development of the nearest satellite settlements. The crucial role of the preparation and holding of the APEC-2012 summit meeting as well as new tools of the regional development including the formation of the Priority Social and Economic Development Areas and status of Vladivostok as the free port is also noted. Over the long run, Vladivostok and agglomeration will develop as the multi-function formations with a high share of international and also industrial-innovative, transport-logistic, academic and other functions. The directions of spatial development of agglomeration (including the northern one as basic) are considered.

Keywords: Vladivostok, agglomeration, stages of development, economic and geographical position, functions and factors of development, priorities.